Saturday, January 4, 2014


Posted by Ozgist


Justin Bieber reportedly has been spending his holiday working on new music in Toronto with producer Douglas Romanow. On New Year's Day, the producer tweeted a picture of himself and Bieber working in Romanow's Noble Street Studios. "Justin Bieber's retirement rumors are greatly exaggerated," he wrote, using the hashtag #bieberintoronto. "I've been recording him in Toronto."

Justin Bieber and the Top Teen Idol Breakout Moments

This, of course, proves that Bieber's recent promises about quitting the music industry were tongue-in-cheek. "My beloved beliebers I'm officially retiring," he tweeted on Christmas Eve, echoing a similar statement made during an interview with Power 106 radio. Only 45 minutes later, he followed with another tweet that attacked the media's deception, while also telling his followers, "I'm never leaving you, being a belieber is a lifestyle." He then concluded with a Christmas-related tweet, adding "IM HERE FOREVER," and eventually transitioned back into promoting his latest movie, Believe, which opened on Christmas Day. 

Bieber's confusing Twitter spectacle was a fitting end to a year filled with bizarre PR disasters and awkward encounters. Earlier in 2013, he dealt with a backlash after appearing in a pot-smoking photo, passing out during a London performance (while also threatening a photographer), making a highly inappropriate comment after touring the Anne Frank house and defacing a photo of former president Bill Clinton. He also reserved a string of fiascos for his South American tour, during which he was charged for graffiti in Brazil, appeared in a bizarre video of him sleeping next to a woman and defiled the Argentine flag during a live performance.

At least he has his musical mentor, Usher, on his side. "The beautiful part about it is that those that are invested in a long-term story, you understand that there are peaks and valleys in every person's life some," the R&B star recently told the Associated Press. "Unfortunately, the reality is he has to live with a camera in front of him, but what he chooses to do on or off camera is analyzed or scrutinized in some off way."

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