Saturday, January 4, 2014


Posted by Ozgist

Hilarious Things About Dating Men

At we purposefully reach out to a specific kind of woman. We try to get our message out to successful women who are above average in intelligence. One of the challenging things about being a woman who is used to taking charge in getting things done is facing the infuriating lack of control when it comes to dating. Men are weird. They think weird things and they do weird things. This leaves intelligent women in the uncomfortable and awkward position of having to take wild guesses about what to do next.

You don't like guessing games. You're used to focusing in on the active ingredients of change. You're used to acts of willpower and determination yielding predictable results. That's why we created this website. There is a code that can help you to decipher men's actions, thoughts, and unusual behavior when it comes to dating, relationships, and commitment. Let's address just one aspect of men's unusual behavior that can drive even the most self-controlled woman to a feeling of desperation. You overcome your reservations about showing up on a scene that is basically a social event fueled by people interested in meeting someone of the opposite sex. You show up in a good mood because you're having a good hair day and you feel confident about your appearance in the outfit both of your best friends approved as "cute and a little sexy." At the gathering you interact with a good number of people, feeling confident and more social than you had expected. It's not that you're stuck up, it's just that the few men that actually interacted with you showed either mild indications of low social skills or mental horsepower that simply wouldn't allow them to keep up if you were to pursue any kind of relationship beyond casual conversation at a party.

Several men did catch your eye, with the level of adept social skills you can see across the room. One guy in particular caught your eye. He even stood behind you at one point, conversing comfortably about topics you found interesting before walking across the room to settle into a long conversation with some bimbo wearing a dress that was too tight and a stupid smile that often preceded her explosions of annoying laughter. Your friend nudges you in the ribs with her elbow as she apologizes for you, "She's tired. She's been working hard." You realize you were in deep contemplation, wondering why Mr. Perfect would show so much interest in Ms. Bimbo. You barely noticed when one of the three women you were standing with asked you a question.

Here's the code. Attractive and intelligent men are used to being bombarded with signals that invite interaction. Contrary to public perception, research has shown that women initiate interaction with men three times more often than the other way around. It's just that women use nonverbal signals to invite interaction (often from across the room). These signals are an intricate part of a solid foundation when it comes to meeting quality men. Some women easily allow their instincts to guide these non-verbal approach signals.

Interestingly, my experience is that the more intelligent a woman is, the more likely she is to unconsciously suppress the very instincts that could serve as her friend in attracting attention from the right kind of men. In my ebook, Be Irrisitible, we go into details about the specific signals and methods you can put to work tonight to get mother nature back on your side. With the right active ingredients, you will have no problem finding and meeting the kinds of quality men you deserve.

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