Tuesday, January 14, 2014


Posted by Ozgist

After having somewhat of a quiet 2014 so far, Kimye is back in the headlines again after rapper Kanye West allegedly punched some guy inside of a medical building for calling Kim a "n*gger lover."

The details, provided by TMZ, are somewhat over-the-top and dramatic:

Kim was at a Beverly Hills medical building when she was swarmed by photogs. We're told the guy allegedly tried to help Kim get in the building, as he started screaming, "F**k these fa**ot-ass n****rs"" - referring to the paparazzi. Kim then told him it was not appropriate to use the N-word. We're told he then screamed at her, "F**k you bitch. Just trying to help you. Shut up n****r lover, stupid slut."

Apparently that got Kim hot as fish grease … she watched the guy walk into an office. As they were walking we're told the guy continued berating Kim. She dialed Kanye on his cell, and when the guy realized Kanye was on the phone he allegedly said, "F**k you N****r." Kanye - who had just arrived at the building - then met up with Kim.

Sources say Kanye and Kim rushed into the waiting room of chiropractor Richard Hill and found the 18-year-old sitting there. Witnesses say Kanye punched the guy and Kim screamed, "We have it all on tape."

Sources say the massage therapist in the office separated the 2 men. Beverly Hills cops were called and the 18-year-old said he wanted to press charges.

Now, if this guy really said this, he definitely deserved what was coming to him, but there are so many questions that need answering:

--How did Kanye get to the scene so fast? Did he live nearby?

[When the story first broke, it said both Kanye and Kim were in Beverly Hills when they were swarmed by photographers. Meaning they arrived together. It was later edited.]

--Since there was a team of paparazzi there, clearly someone had to have a photo of the guy trying to help Kim (before it got ugly) and then footage of his remarks. Where is it? [Maybe it'll be online by day's end]

--Kanye is already facing jail time after wrestling with a photographer at LAX last year-would he really risk his career by beating up an 18-year-old?

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